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Happy Birthday Bleu!

Posted by Bleu Clothing on May 31st 2024

Happy Birthday Bleu!

MAY 31st 1998



Happy Birthday Bleu Video!

I was a baby when I opened this magical beast of a store. My

friends/team/family and I would go out clubbing all night and open right

on time, at 11am, every single morning for most of you who still shop

here regularly. You never judged our wristbands, faint smell of vodka and

smeared eyeliner. You also had a wild night. Who were you to judge?

Then I started to grow up and you grew with me. And I found so many

more of you along the way. I met my love, had my baby, lost my parents

etc and you have always been there with me every step of the way. This

is so much more than a boutique filled with glorious (if you don't mind me

saying so myself) clothing, shoes, bags and so on. It's our spot. Yours

and mine. We meet here to celebrate our victories and plan out strategies

for when we lose (like that ever happens). We leave our fears behind

here. We raise each other up and remind one another that there is

nothing to fear, that we are the winners. We remind each other of our

warrior spirits and how the world and everything in it is ours for the

taking. And this all happens in the span of you finding the perfect outfit or

two. 26 years of this Ladies and Gentlemen. 

26 years and we are just

getting started.

Love You All So Very Much,
